Saturday, December 6, 2008

Blog Update

Starting Monday the 15th, I will begin writing three regular weekly columns.

Mondays I will be writing about books, movies, tv shows, or video games. This won't be a review based column, more of a "Hey, this something I like and here's why" column.

Wednesday's column will be about trans stuff. From news items of interest to personal updates on my own transition, this is where you'll find it.

For Friday I will have a column similar to Monday's, except it will focus on media found on the web.

Besides these regular columns, which will post on their respective days at midnight, I will also have several random post types, which will post when ever I feel like. These will include Cool Alerts, Random (but fun) Youtube Video and OMG!! Have You Seen This. These will be for short random type stuff that I don't want wait to write a column on.

I also plan on having a Weekend Poetry Post but it won't be a regular post more of a if I write something during the week then I'll post it on the weekend.

So that's the plan for the future of this blog. I want this blog to be my voice on the net and these are the types of things I want speaking about.

Until then I remain,

P.S. I said Monday but I might have an idea for Friday's column. So, I might start Friday but I will definitely start on Monday.

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